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June 19, 2011

Constitutional Monarchy and Political Parties in Jordan

Two days ago -June 18th- King Mohammad VI of Morocco announced the outlines for a new constitution in Morocco relinquishing -giving up- much of his powers to the would be -elected- Prime Minister who will be eventually the head of the political party which has the highest number of seats in the parliament. There is currently much debate in Morocco about this new proposals will be put to a referendum on 1 July.  

In Jordan thing are and will always be different, for one thing, the maturity of the political parties and the society as a whole is incomparable to that of Morocco. but what i wanted to say is that we don't need to have political parties i.e. as in political as they are perceived in the middle east. 
The era of political parties and nationalist ideologies is long gone. what we need are sort of hybrid parties, i call them enviro-socio-economic "E-S-E" partiesWhat we really need are parties concerned with the environmental and socio economical development and in my opinion the main reason for all the current revolutions in the Arab countries are a result of socioeconomic inequalities not politics. hence, the need for a 21st century "E-S-E" political system in the Arab Word.

The success of any political development process in Jordan should be based on E-S-E issues as have these issues as the backbone, core and foundation of any political movement. only then can we move forward to more "political" aspects. This, is i think done everywhere in the world.

In an ABC interview with His Majesty back in  March 2005**, the interviewer asked if His Majesty would be happy to be the head of a
constitutional monarchy
, His Majesty replied " Well...Eventually" adding "
eventually that's what we're trying to do"  referring that this would be accomplished by the decentralization project which His Majesty envisions. Many Jordanians think of this Constitutional Monarch as a new idea, it is not [not at all], if one revises His Majesty's vision of Jordan back in 2005 when His Majesty explained his vision to what was known later as "Regionalization" and "Decentralization", one can figure out that His Majesty is implicitly building up the idea of a constitutional monarch, it was very clear for me then as it is now. alas, this decentralization process would take time for it to mature as an idea and to eventually materialize as a concept and road map for the general public.     

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